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If you’re looking to watch Orange Is The New Black Season 1 Episode 1 entitled “I Wasn’t Ready” you've found the right place. I’m sure most people reading this will be wondering where the best place is to watch this Netflix original series, what the show is actually about or why they should watch it . Well, no worries because I’m here to answer all those questions for you!
OITNB- Season 1 Episode 1

What Is Orange Is The New Black About Anyway

Before you start to watch Orange is the New Black season 1, you probably want to know what the show's name means and what the show is actually about. I know that is one thing I wondered when I first heard of it. I didn’t understand the name of the show at all. If you research it a little bit though you’ll find that it’s about a bisexual woman, Piper Chapman played by actress Taylor Schilling, who is serving prison time in an all women’s prison along with her ex girlfriend Alex Vause, played by Laura Prepon (you might remember her as playing Donna in “That 70’s show)” for being a part of a drug smuggling ring. 
Piper and Alex Lesbian Moment

The show also follows the lives of some of the other female inmates serving time alongside the main character. It does feature a lot of lesbian moments and so it is sometimes coined as a lesbian tv show. Actually that is how I found the show by googling lesbian tv shows to watch.

Where Besides Netflix Can You Watch It 

Of course, Netflix is the best place to watch this show. It’s fairly cheap and has fast streaming speeds. But, if you’re reading this, you probably either can’t afford Netflix, don’t want to buy it, or some other reason so you’re looking for other options and places to watch it. Another place you can watch the show is on Amazon. You can either subscribe to Amazon Prime or buy the entire season from Amazon and have it shipped to you. 

If you don’t want to spend any money and would rather watch it for free online somewhere, this blog will be updated with some of the best links to watch not only episode 1 of OITNB (DuhNote: OITNB is an abbreviation for the show’s name,) but the entire season for free and we’ll update the links in this article to direct you to those places.

Why You Should Watch Orange Is The New Black

First, because I said so! Haha, I love saying that but really it’s true. I think I’m a great judge of whether television shows and movies are worth watching and I’d definitely say this show is worth checking out. Not only is the first episode great, the entire first season is. I literally watched the show in 1 and a half days. No, I don’t have a life lol. 
Watch Orange Is The New Black Season 1 Episode 1

Seriously though, it is really addicting and I think the directors or producers or whomever did an awesome job of ending each episode because after each 1 ended, I had to know what was going to happen on the next one.  I think that is a quality that every great show has where you almost DIE when the episode ends and you have to usually wait at least a week before you can see the next episode. Thank baby Jesus that Netflix posts the entire season at one time so there is no waiting for us OITNB fans. So I think that’s enough proof for any one still on the bench about if they should watch the first episode of Orange is the New Black or not. 

Go Watch OITNB's First Episode Now

So I’ve outlined what the show is about, why you should watch and where you can watch so there’s no reason for you not to be watching this lesbian prison drama except that you can’t read lol. Go watch it and share your thoughts about the first episode with us, if you are able to manage to tare your eyes away from the screen for a moment.

If you need more information before you begin to watch the first episode of orange is the new black, check out our episode guide.  

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