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Official Orange is the New Black Blogspot” is obviously a blog dedicated to the popular original Netflix series, Orange is the New Black. We intend to not only provide information about the show but also any news regarding the show’s cast, the book the show was made after and also the lives of the real people the show stemmed from (in a non-stalker way, of course.) Topics that will also be provided are places where to watch the series online, in depth episode guides, reviews of each episode and season, the cast and the characters they play on the show and of course gifs and images. Basically we want to be the place everyone goes to to find any information about this amazing series.

Why Did I Decide to Watch Orange Is The New Black?

I first found out about this series while browsing Netflix’s lesbian category. At first I read the title and skipped over it because what the heck is Orange is the New Black anyway. The name didn’t appeal to me. After a couple months of the show’s premiere, it seemed like everyone was talking about it. Everyone, meaning lesbians of course, because I’m sure that over 90% of the show’s watching audience is of the girl on girl persuasion. So, I decided to give the show a shot after reading what the show is actually about: women in prison, in a nutshell.  After watching one episode, I was hooked! And then I pretty much binge watched the entire season. That is the one downfall of the show airing on Netflix. It puts out an entire season in one go, so after binge watching all of the episodes, you're sort of left with a “what am I supposed to do with my life now” feeling. Well, at least it was that way for me; some people might consider it a good thing that all of one season’s episodes are released at once.

Why Should You Watch This Netflix Series?

Firstly, because I said so. Secondly, because it genuinely is a really good show. You know a show is good when you spend 5 hours of your day watching it and then after the show is finished, you decide to read the books on it. That’s how it was for me and that is how it will probably be for most of you. If you haven’t already started watching the show, first of all why?! And second of all, go watch it now! Yes, stop reading this and go watch it immediately and then thank me later. 

Why Did We Make “Official Orange is the New Black Blogspot?

Remember when I said earlier that I binge watched the show? That empty “what do I do now” feeling became this blog. Now, I and the other people that will assist me in keeping this blog up to date because they also finished watching both seasons, have something to do with our lives. So thank you for reading this or it would all be for naught. 

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